The Lion, the Witch and You
Your Life-Changing Journey to the Land of Narnia
Written by Scott Ludbrook Illustrated by Greg Walker
Introduction: Enter Narnia, Face Reality
Step into the wardrobe. You are about to enter the land of Narnia. Get ready for a life-changing journey of adventure and discovery, because in this place of fantasy you will come face to face with reality – the real you, the real witch and the real lion. Let’s get going now … Aslan is on the move.
Welcome to Narnia. Like Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, you are in fact human, a boy or girl – a Son of Adam or Daughter of Eve.
When Mr Tumnus asked Lucy if she was a Daughter of Eve, she did not quite understand him. Edmund also reacted with confusion to the White Witch questioning him about being a Son of Adam. Even though Lucy and Edmund knew they were human, they had never heard the terms Daughter of Eve and Son of Adam used to describe humans. So where do these terms come from?
When Mr Tumnus asked Lucy if she was a Daughter of Eve, she did not quite understand him. Edmund also reacted with confusion to the White Witch questioning him about being a Son of Adam. Even though Lucy and Edmund knew they were human, they had never heard the terms Daughter of Eve and Son of Adam used to describe humans. So where do these terms come from?
Genesis is the first book of the Bible and it tells us that God made humans in his own image and likeness. It says he did this by forming the first man (Adam) from the dust of the ground and breathing the breath of life into his nose. To make the first woman (who would be Adam’s wife), God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and then took out one of his ribs. After closing up Adam’s skin, God made a woman out of the rib. Adam named her Eve (which means living) because she would become the mother of all the living.
In other words, all humans (including you) are descendants of (and therefore, related to) the first man and woman – Adam and Eve. So that is why in Narnia, humans are called Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve.
Now, unlike The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the story of Adam and Eve is not a fairy tale. This may seem hard for some of you to believe at first, because you’ve been told it’s just a made up story and not a factual historical account (true story from history). Or you may have been taught that humans evolved from apes over a long period of time. For others, even those who believe it’s true, the story of Adam and Eve (or the Bible itself) may raise questions for you.
Now, unlike The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the story of Adam and Eve is not a fairy tale. This may seem hard for some of you to believe at first, because you’ve been told it’s just a made up story and not a factual historical account (true story from history). Or you may have been taught that humans evolved from apes over a long period of time. For others, even those who believe it’s true, the story of Adam and Eve (or the Bible itself) may raise questions for you.
Well, the good news is that if you have any questions or doubts about the story of Adam and Eve, Creation and Evolution or the Bible, there are places where you can get answers. I would recommend, and These web sites have stacks of interesting information and answers to questions that will help you understand the truth about the Bible.
The knowledge that you are a Son of Adam or Daughter of Eve, not just in the fantasy land of Narnia but also in real life, unlocks the door for you to come face to face with yourself – the real you.
So who are you? Take a look in the mirror. You are a human – a boy or girl made in the image and likeness of God. You are a deliberate creation, designed with a purpose – not a highly evolved animal that got here by chance over millions of years. Like God, you have the ability to imagine, plan and create things.
So who are you? Take a look in the mirror. You are a human – a boy or girl made in the image and likeness of God. You are a deliberate creation, designed with a purpose – not a highly evolved animal that got here by chance over millions of years. Like God, you have the ability to imagine, plan and create things.
Take another look. What else do you notice? God has created you unique. There is no one in the world exactly like you. Your personality, your looks, your thoughts, even your fingerprints – unique, a one of a kind, God-designed original. This makes you important.
How important? So important that like King Peter, Queen Susan, King Edmund and Queen Lucy, crowned and seated on the four thrones of Narnia, God has made you to one day sit on a throne, wearing the crown of life. We’ll talk more about this later, Son of Adam, Daughter of Eve, because you are about to meet the one who stands between you and that crown – the self-proclaimed Queen of Narnia … the White Witch.
The Witch
Beautiful, proud, cold, stern – these are words that C.S. Lewis used to describe the face of the Queen of Narnia – although, as Lucy said to Edmund, she has no right to be queen at all. See how she lures Edmund right into her trap, with a hot drink to warm him up after spending time in the cold snow. Next, comes the offer of his favourite food, Turkish Delight, even more delicious than he has ever tasted. Not only that, but the reward of whole rooms full of Turkish Delight if he brings his brother and sisters to her house. Finally, she promises to make him a Prince and some day King of Narnia.
Sounds great, doesn’t it? Seems like an offer too good to refuse. Very tempting! But you know what happens. You know what it leads to. You know the consequences of believing the promises of the Queen of Narnia. For she is a liar – she is no queen – she is a witch! She did not desire anything good for Edmund. The temporary pleasures of the hot drink and the Turkish Delight were just bait – and he took it.
What was the White Witch’s real plan for Edmund? Death. What about for Peter, Susan and Lucy? Death. How about Mr Tumnus? Death. Aslan? Death! Now how about you? What do you suppose she wants for you? That’s right! The White Witch wants to steal your very life. Sure, she will offer you pleasure and promises of greatness, but these are all lies. Lies to trick, trap and kill you.
The problem is, that the fictional character of the White Witch exists as a real-life being outside of Narnia, in the world where you and I live. In our world the White Witch is known as the devil (which means accuser) – Satan (which means enemy).
The Bible describes Satan as a liar and the father of lies – one who comes to steal, kill and destroy. From the Bible we also learn that Satan was originally named Lucifer (which means morning star) when God created him. He was an angel in heaven who was very beautiful, powerful and gifted.
Unfortunately, he was not satisfied with the wonderful way God had made him and the magnificent abilities God had blessed him with. Instead of being thankful, Lucifer became filled with pride and wanted to be equal with God. Lucifer rebelled against God and so God cast him out of heaven. Lucifer’s name then became Satan.
The problem is, that the fictional character of the White Witch exists as a real-life being outside of Narnia, in the world where you and I live. In our world the White Witch is known as the devil (which means accuser) – Satan (which means enemy).
The Bible describes Satan as a liar and the father of lies – one who comes to steal, kill and destroy. From the Bible we also learn that Satan was originally named Lucifer (which means morning star) when God created him. He was an angel in heaven who was very beautiful, powerful and gifted.
Unfortunately, he was not satisfied with the wonderful way God had made him and the magnificent abilities God had blessed him with. Instead of being thankful, Lucifer became filled with pride and wanted to be equal with God. Lucifer rebelled against God and so God cast him out of heaven. Lucifer’s name then became Satan.
Ever since that time Satan has been determined to take out revenge on God and therefore God’s most precious creation – humans. Satan’s first attempt to harm humans took place in the beautiful garden where God had placed Adam and Eve – Eden.
Eden was filled with all kinds of trees that were pleasing to look at and good for food. It had a river of fresh water flowing from it. God put Adam and Eve in charge of Eden and told them to rule over all the birds, fish and animals.
He gave them all the green plants for food and said they could eat fruit from every tree except one. The tree with the forbidden fruit was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If Adam and Eve ate from this tree, God said that rather than live forever (as they were originally made to), they would eventually die.
Eden was filled with all kinds of trees that were pleasing to look at and good for food. It had a river of fresh water flowing from it. God put Adam and Eve in charge of Eden and told them to rule over all the birds, fish and animals.
He gave them all the green plants for food and said they could eat fruit from every tree except one. The tree with the forbidden fruit was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If Adam and Eve ate from this tree, God said that rather than live forever (as they were originally made to), they would eventually die.
One day Satan (in the form of a snake) came to Eve and said, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Eve replied that they may eat from the trees in the garden except for one, and that disobedience would bring death. Satan then said, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Eve responded by focussing on what good food the fruit would be, how pleasing it was to look at and how desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some and ate it and gave some to Adam (who was with her) and he also ate it.
Immediately things were different, and Adam and Eve knew it – sin, suffering, pain, sickness, disease and death had entered the world. God had spoken the truth. Satan had lied. And just like Edmund, Adam and Eve had taken the bait.
The world we live in is filled with death and suffering – it’s all around us – it’s all we’ve ever known – and now you know how it started. But will it end? Can we ever sit enthroned, wearing the crown of life? Are we forever cursed because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience? Has Satan won?
The world we live in is filled with death and suffering – it’s all around us – it’s all we’ve ever known – and now you know how it started. But will it end? Can we ever sit enthroned, wearing the crown of life? Are we forever cursed because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience? Has Satan won?
Wait a minute! What was that? I hear footsteps. Could it be? … Aslan is on the move.
The Lion
Always winter and never Christmas – the whole of Narnia is under the control of the White Witch. Edmund, a Son of Adam, is a traitor. He believed the White Witch’s lies and fell right into her trap. The Deep Magic that the Emperor-beyond-the-Sea put into Narnia at the very beginning gives the White Witch ownership of and the right to kill every traitor. The Law states that unless blood is shed, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. Aslan admits that this is true and does not deny it.
The White Witch is claiming her right to take Edmund’s life – but the great lion, Aslan has a plan. For although the White Witch knows the Deep Magic, her knowledge only goes back to the dawn of time. Aslan knows a magic deeper still, because he has knowledge of the stillness and darkness before Time dawned. He knows a different incantation that says when a willing victim who has done nothing wrong is killed in place of a traitor, the Stone Table will crack and Death itself will start working backwards.
Aslan takes Edmund’s place. Aslan dies a cruel and humiliating death on the Stone Table so that Edmund doesn’t have to – so Edmund can live. But the White Witch thinks she’s won – she’s killed Aslan and now she will be able to kill Edmund anyway – but she doesn’t know the Deeper Magic. Death begins working backwards and Aslan comes back to life.
Winter is over, Edmund is saved and the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve are enthroned and crowned by Aslan as Kings and Queens in Narnia.
We are surrounded by sickness and suffering – the whole world is cursed with death because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God. Satan is pleased to see the pain and destruction of God’s most precious creation – humans, Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve, us, you.
Is there an Aslan for the earth? A lion who can defeat death so that we can live forever? Yes! The Bible calls him the Lion of the tribe of Judah – Jesus.
Jesus’ Stone Table was a wooden cross. More than 2000 years ago, Roman soldiers nailed him to that cross because he claimed to be the Son of God. Like Aslan, Jesus was mocked and made fun of by those who killed him. On the third day after Jesus’ death, God proved that what Jesus said was true by raising him from the dead.
Aslan takes Edmund’s place. Aslan dies a cruel and humiliating death on the Stone Table so that Edmund doesn’t have to – so Edmund can live. But the White Witch thinks she’s won – she’s killed Aslan and now she will be able to kill Edmund anyway – but she doesn’t know the Deeper Magic. Death begins working backwards and Aslan comes back to life.
Winter is over, Edmund is saved and the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve are enthroned and crowned by Aslan as Kings and Queens in Narnia.
We are surrounded by sickness and suffering – the whole world is cursed with death because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God. Satan is pleased to see the pain and destruction of God’s most precious creation – humans, Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve, us, you.
Is there an Aslan for the earth? A lion who can defeat death so that we can live forever? Yes! The Bible calls him the Lion of the tribe of Judah – Jesus.
Jesus’ Stone Table was a wooden cross. More than 2000 years ago, Roman soldiers nailed him to that cross because he claimed to be the Son of God. Like Aslan, Jesus was mocked and made fun of by those who killed him. On the third day after Jesus’ death, God proved that what Jesus said was true by raising him from the dead.
Jesus died in the place of traitors – or as the Bible calls them, sinners. A sinner is someone who has sinned, which means they have disobeyed God. Adam and Eve became sinners when they ate the fruit that God had told them not to. And every Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve, including you and I, has also sinned. We have each done things that we know are wrong, like lying, being greedy and treating others in a mean way. So when Jesus died on the cross he took the punishment that you and I, and every person who has ever lived, deserves from God for the wrong things we have done.
God loves us and wants us to spend forever with him in heaven. Yet at the same time he is holy and just and cannot allow our sin to go unpunished. That is why he sent his only Son, Jesus, from heaven to earth to take the punishment for our sins. Jesus died in our place, like Aslan died in Edmund’s place. And just as Aslan was a willing victim who had done nothing wrong, so was Jesus. He never sinned and didn’t deserve to die. However, Jesus chose to give his life for us because of his great love for us.
Two other people were crucified (nailed to crosses) at the same time as Jesus, but unlike him they had sinned. They were criminals. One was crucified on Jesus’ right and the other on his left. The first criminal said insulting things to Jesus and mocked him saying, “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” He didn’t really believe that Jesus was the Son of God and was only interested in escaping the punishment that his crimes deserved.
The other criminal had a different attitude, saying to the first, “ Don’t you fear God, since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” This criminal admitted that he had done wrong and deserved to be punished. He also recognised that Jesus was God’s Son who had committed no crime. Then he said to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
The other criminal had a different attitude, saying to the first, “ Don’t you fear God, since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” This criminal admitted that he had done wrong and deserved to be punished. He also recognised that Jesus was God’s Son who had committed no crime. Then he said to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus answer was, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus knew this man believed in him and that he was sorry for his sins. So Jesus forgave him and guaranteed him a place in heaven.
Like these criminals there are two ways we can respond to Jesus dying for our sins. We can believe that he is the Son of God and accept what he has done for us, or we can disbelieve, refusing to admit our need for forgiveness and Jesus taking our punishment.
Like these criminals there are two ways we can respond to Jesus dying for our sins. We can believe that he is the Son of God and accept what he has done for us, or we can disbelieve, refusing to admit our need for forgiveness and Jesus taking our punishment.
As a young man, C.S. Lewis didn’t believe in God. Later, he realised that he had been wrong and accepted God’s forgiveness. He went on to write many books, including The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and the other Chronicles of Narnia.
Today, you too can accept God’s love, forgiveness and gift of eternal life in heaven by receiving Jesus as your Lord (the one whose ways and teachings you want to follow) and Saviour (the one who saves you from your sins and enables you to be forgiven). You can turn from living life you own way and start living God’s way. Do you want to do this? If the answer is yes then tell God now by praying a prayer like this from your heart:
Dear God, I know that I have sinned and disobeyed you in many ways. I am really sorry. Please forgive me. Help me to obey you and live your way. Thank you for loving me, and for sending Jesus to take the punishment for my sins on the cross. I accept him into my life now as my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then the Bible says you are God’s child – you are now a Son or Daughter of God. He has forgiven you of your sins and prepared a place for you in heaven. There you will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him, and the right to sit with Jesus on his throne.
Today, you too can accept God’s love, forgiveness and gift of eternal life in heaven by receiving Jesus as your Lord (the one whose ways and teachings you want to follow) and Saviour (the one who saves you from your sins and enables you to be forgiven). You can turn from living life you own way and start living God’s way. Do you want to do this? If the answer is yes then tell God now by praying a prayer like this from your heart:
Dear God, I know that I have sinned and disobeyed you in many ways. I am really sorry. Please forgive me. Help me to obey you and live your way. Thank you for loving me, and for sending Jesus to take the punishment for my sins on the cross. I accept him into my life now as my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then the Bible says you are God’s child – you are now a Son or Daughter of God. He has forgiven you of your sins and prepared a place for you in heaven. There you will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him, and the right to sit with Jesus on his throne.
The other great news is that the cycle of death and suffering on earth will not continue forever. The Bible says that one day God’s creation will be “set free from ruin” and that “all things will be made right again.”
Winter is over. Christmas will come and its meaning is understood. You have stepped out of darkness and into God’s wonderful light. Go now, past the lamp-post, through the wardrobe and tumbling into the world where you live. Bring back other Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve, so that they too can discover the life-changing reality to be found in the fantasy land of Narnia. There is still time … while Aslan is on the move.
Winter is over. Christmas will come and its meaning is understood. You have stepped out of darkness and into God’s wonderful light. Go now, past the lamp-post, through the wardrobe and tumbling into the world where you live. Bring back other Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve, so that they too can discover the life-changing reality to be found in the fantasy land of Narnia. There is still time … while Aslan is on the move.